Are you looking for data on financial transmission rights (FTRs)? FTR trade and forward price data is publicly available, and you can analyze it to identify recruiting targets and improve your trading strategies.
At Yes Energy we collect and manage this data to support FTR market competitive intelligence and analysis of market trends through our FTR Positions Dataset solution.
One of the ways customers use our FTR position, profit and loss (P&L), and mark-to-mark (MtM) data is to analyze price volatility in these illiquid markets.
A common way to use this dataset is to review how the value of an FTR changes between the last auction it was traded in and where it settles. The last auction is called the monthly auction – and these monthly auctions set the last marked value of the contracts going into the settlement period.
An important data point is understanding whether there are trends in the difference between that last marked value (Mark in the below chart) and where the contracts settle during the month (Revenue in the below chart). In the below chart we’re analyzing this data for ERCOT, MISO, PJM, and SPP (the four largest FTR markets):
Source: Yes Energy’s FTR Positions Dataset
The blue bars in the chart are the values of the positions using the relevant monthly auction, and are tied to the left axis. For example, January is showing the value from the January 2023 monthly auction that was traded in December 2022.
The orange line is the final settlement value in the day-ahead market, and is tied to the right axis.
Looking at PJM for January 2024, you can see the marked value (blue bar) leading into the month far exceeded the actual settlement values (orange line). Conversely in the summer months, like August, the FTRs in all markets were generally undervalued in the monthly auctions.
The above chart analyzes market-wide trends, but you can do similar analysis on a more granular level (path, market participant, etc.) depending on the input needs for your FTR trading strategies.
Look for the following data to better inform your FTR trading strategies and recruitment activities:
Source: Yes Energy’s FTR Positions Dataset
Source: Yes Energy’s FTR Positions Dataset
Source: Yes Energy’s FTR Positions Dataset
Answering these questions, and more, can help to identify recruiting targets and improve performance of your FTR trading strategies.
Yes Energy’s FTR Positions Dataset solution provides FTR trading organizations and regulators with unprecedented visibility into FTR market positions. Historically, only FTR trading organizations with large IT budgets have been able to build systems to gain visibility into the positions, performance, and risk of their competitors in the market. With FTR Positions Dataset, you can outsource this expensive data management, including trade capture, model remappings, and ISO changes.
The following capabilities are available in FTR Positions Dataset:
We deliver all of this on the powerful Snowflake cloud platform. (Snowflake is a data warehouse available across multiple cloud regions). This allows you to answer the above questions in seconds, compared to a more manual process that may take hours or even days for each auction. You can also further integrate this data with Yes Energy’s DataSignalsTM Cloud datasets, internal data, and other third-party data available on Snowflake, fueling powerful big data analysis.
Learn more about the FTR Positions Dataset today, or schedule a demo!