Jake Landis

Posts by Jake Landis

How Power Trading Works (Day-Ahead Virtual Trades)
How Power Trading Works (Day-Ahead Virtual Trades)

How Power Trading Works (Day-Ahead Virtual Trades)

Jun 26, 2024 5 min read
How Does Power Trading Work? (Real-Time Trading)
How Does Power Trading Work? (Real-Time Trading)

How Does Power Trading Work? (Real-Time Trading)

Feb 08, 2024 4 min read
Previous Southwest Power Pool Record Blows Away
SPP wind records 03/28/22

Previous Southwest Power Pool Record Blows Away

Apr 04, 2022 3 min read
The Power of FTR Auction Constraint Data
map with data

The Power of FTR Auction Constraint Data

Feb 17, 2022 2 min read