Yes Energy News and Insights

ERCOT Signal Now Even Quicker in QuickSignals


Yes Energy has applied TradeNOW technology to ERCOT’s ORDC Adder. This data is now flowing faster to all QuickSignals dashboards. The ORDC is usually posted before LMP so having this data coming in as fast as possible is extremely important for ERCOT BalDay traders.

What is the ERCOT ORDC Adder?

The ERCOT Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) Adder is an ERCOT-wide price adder that the ISO adds to all LMPs to incentivize new generation to come online during times of scarcity. 

The ORDC adder is made up of two separate adders, the Online Reserve Price Adder (ORPA) and the Online Reliability Deployment Price Adder (ORDPA). The ORPA was implemented in mid-2014 to account for the value of reserves based on the probability of reserves falling below the minimum contingency level and the value of lost load. The ORDPA was implemented in June 2015 as a mechanism to ensure that reliability deployments do not distort the energy prices.The ORPA is the more active of the two adders by far. Thus, the all-in LMP in ERCOT consists of the LMP + ORPA + ORDPA. 

Previously, only the LMP + Adders data for ERCOT Hub North was available in Yes Energy with faster TradeNOW speed. Now all of the components of ERCOT Hub North LMP are available, LMP, ORPA Adder, and ORDPA Adder.

If you are a QuickSignals customer all you need to do is make sure you have the correct data in your dashboard.

Table 1. Data type definitions for ERCOT Price Adder series that are now delivered using TradeNOW technology.

Table 1. Data type definitions for ERCOT Price Adder series that are now delivered using TradeNOW technology.

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Cliff RoseAbout the author: Cliff Rose is a senior product manager at Yes Energy currently focused on building products that help power plant developers leverage wholesale power market data in their decision-making. He has 12 years of experience helping companies navigate power markets in both a consulting and software development capacity. Outside of work, you can find Cliff engaging in stereotypical Colorado activities such as skiing, running, and biking.

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